Legal Support Services

We Draft Legal Papers

The Department of InJustice wants to relegate you to low class pleadings and papers. That’s why they stomp out your ability to access word processors. Decline their invitation. Maybe the courts will in fact take your pleadings written on toilet paper. That doesn’t make it a good idea. Strive to be the best – not just good enough to file.

The greatest efficiency and quality is the product of specialization. We train our people to do a few things, but to do them well. A big part of our value is finding quality, constantly improving the human resource, and using that talent where it has the greatest advantage. That cuts your costs while giving you quality.

By no means would we interfere with your relationship with your attorney. Our philosophy puts you in charge of the defense of your liberty and your civil rights. Your own efforts will be greatly enhanced if you give careful consideration and deliberation to the recommendations of your attorney or standby counsel.

That’s how you get legal services without spending a fortune or disrespecting your lawyer. Let someone else do the scut work. Then get your legal advice. Then make your own decisions, and execute upon them. It is not your job to pay for your attorney’s education. It is your job to pay for his expertise. Use him for his actual expertise, and he’s a bargain. There is no end of educating a lawyer on your dime.

That’s also why we put your pleadings and papers in the hands of your friends “on the street” if you direct. That’s why we want you to have maximum control and flexibility and security, all at a great price.