Legal Support Services

We Get Court Documents

If you want to maintain control over the direction of your criminal defense, you have to gain control over the information. If you let your lawyer do that job, you are in no position to control him. He’s going to control you.

Flip that script. You’ll save money at the same time you gain vastly more control, improve effectiveness, etc. You’ll get better work, and you’ll be able to know exactly what you’re getting done. You’ll know how much the work costs. You’ll be able to say how you want things, and get them done that way.

The first order of business is getting a complete set of your court papers, well organized, and produced in formats most convenient for your purposes. Failure to maintain an accurate and complete court record, with enough copies for the defense team, increases costs while damaging your chance for a good outcome. We can perform the following tasks for you:

1) Get your docket sheets and docket items downloaded, organized, stacked, compacted, optimized, Bates stamped, printed, Ibico bound, mailed, stored online, emailed, etc. We provide hard copy to your specifications, plus computer files.
2) Set up RSS feeds on your criminal and civil cases, if available. If you have TRULINCS or other means of receiving electronic messages, you’ll know right away when something is filed in your case. When documents are filed, we’ll notify you and provide you with copies, consistent with the formatting of your existing record.
3) Order transcripts, pay for them, format them to your specifications, printed and sent. We can make 4 page per page double sided Ibico bound sets that give you the most readable text possible, without changing the line numbering.
4) Produce discovery documents in the format or formats most conducive to allowing you to use them effectively.

Don’t forget, this is a two-way street. We try hard to understand what you need and do a good job for you. However, if we do something wrong you need to let us know ASAP, and give us a chance to make it right.